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TrimTabs Says "Insatiable" ETF Buying Is Unlike It Has Anything Ever Seen, Issues A Warning

TrimTabs Says "Insatiable" ETF Buying Is Unlike It Has Anything Ever Seen, Issues A Warning

On Fruday, while confirming that the meme of "Fake News" has officially gone too far, Goldman Sachs slammed the talk of a Great Rotation from bonds into stocks (yes, calling it fake news), and writing that "the political rotation occurring in Washington, D.C. will not be mirrored in financial portfolios: despite the sharp fall in bond values during the past six months and the prospect of further losses in 2017, Goldman expects minimal asset rotation away from debt and into equities for two reasons.

Professor Predicts Society Will Collapse By 2020

Scientific research predicts civil unrest by 2020 as political turmoil reaches a peak. Social order as we know it will collapse in three years, plunging the world into unrest and chaos. Professor Peter Turchin says his assumptions are not predictions, but are based on latest research using historical facts and mathematical models. The Sunday Express reports: Prof Turchin has developed a subject known as “cliodynamics” which analyses history as a science, which includes predictions and models based on past experiences.

Russian Responds To US Intel Report It Helped Trump Defeat Hillary

The US intelligence community has released the unclassified findings of its investigation into what it says was Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and Russia's apparently takes a significant chunk of the blame, "by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences." Or does it?

RT responds to these 'charges' below with some 'facts'...
