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Mike Pence Forced To Cancel Bethlehem Visit As Palestinian Christians Protest

Mike Pence Forced To Cancel Bethlehem Visit As Palestinian Christians Protest

This week a number of stories have come out highlighting the general perspective of Palestinian Christians in the context of President Trump's controversial recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Some of these headlines include, "Nazareth cancels some Christmas festivities over Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital" or "Mike Pence to face bitter reception from Palestinian Christians as he visits the Middle East" or further, "Palestinian Christians: Jerusalem is for the three religions".

Remember The 2016 "Russian Attack" On The Internet? (Spoiler Alert: It Wasn't Them)

Remember The 2016 "Russian Attack" On The Internet? (Spoiler Alert: It Wasn't Them)

Authored by Constantin Gurdgiev via True Economics blog,

In 2016, a bot, named Mirai, wrecked havoc over the global internet with massive waves of DoS attacks on anything, from French telecoms, to U.S. web services, to Russian banks, to African airports and beyond.

Per Wired, "As the 2016 US presidential election drew near, fears began to mount that the so-called Mirai botnet might be the work of a nation-state practicing for an attack that would cripple the country as voters went to the polls."

Top FBI And DOJ Officials To Be Subpoenaed: McCabe, Strzok, Page In The Crosshairs

Top FBI And DOJ Officials To Be Subpoenaed: McCabe, Strzok, Page In The Crosshairs

House Judiciary Committee member Jim Jordan (R-OH) says he's gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to issue subpoenas for several key officials at the FBI and Justice Department implicated in disturbing revelations of political bias against President Donald Trump.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Mueller Obtained "Tens of Thousands" Of Trump Transition Emails

Mueller Obtained "Tens of Thousands" Of Trump Transition Emails

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has taken possession of "many tens of thousands" of emails from the Trump transition team, obtained through the General Services Administration - the government agency responsible for hosting the transition email system which used a "" address. The trove of documents, which includes sensitive emails to and from Trump son-in-law and top advisor Jared Kushner, comprise 12 email accounts - one of which reportedly contains around 7,000 emails.
