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presidential election

DHS Caught Pretending To Be Russian Hackers

Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp claims the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) tried to hack into his office’s firewall, pretending to be Russian hackers. Brian Kemp says the DHS tried to convince the state of Georgia they were at risk of Russian hacking – an idea the state dismissed as nonsense. But there was a hacking attempt, according to the Secretary of State – however it wasn’t Russia, it was Washington D.C. The attempt took place just after the presidential election. The office of the Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing the state’s elections.

New Poll Ranks "Credibility" Of Mainstream Media Outlets

New Poll Ranks "Credibility" Of Mainstream Media Outlets

As the mainstream media's desperate attempt to salvage it's reputation by discrediting "fake news" sources (otherwise known as any media outlet expressing a right-of-center opinion) rages on, Morning Consult has released a new poll ranking the "credibility" of the various print and TV media sources.

The major networks, ABC, CBS and NBC, ranked highest in credibility while the cable news outlets fell further down the list, with MSNBC trailing the pack. 

Restoration Hardware Implodes After More Terrible Guidance, Blames Election

Restoration Hardware Implodes After More Terrible Guidance, Blames Election

Back in February, the stock of Restoration Hardware crashed after it announced dreadful quarterly earnings and slashed its guidance, however it somewhat redeemed itself after the company came up with the most original of excuses heard in a long time: in an exercise of absurd reflexivity, RH blamed its own falling stock price on its poor results: "Historically, our business has a correlation to large movements in stock prices as we believe asset valuations influence our customers’ buying patterns." It also blamed various other things, all of which boiled down to one simple thing: the consume
