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presidential election

Trump Tweets: "Millions" Voted Illegaly For Hillary Clinton

In what is either Trump's latest trolling of the already neurotic media, or just his conversion to "conspiracy theorism" much to the delight of Russian propaganda, "fake news"-spotting anonymous groups everywhere, moments ago the President-elect tweeted that he would have won the popular vote if "millions of illegal votes" were discounted. 

“In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Juppe And Fillon Clash For Republican Nomination As France Picks Marine Le Pen's Opponent

Juppe And Fillon Clash For Republican Nomination As France Picks Marine Le Pen's Opponent

Following last weekend's latest latest "stunning" political outcome, in which French former PM Francois Fillon trounced pollsters' favorite Alain Juppe in the first round of the French conservative primary and which saw the latest political career termination for former president Nicolas Sarkozy, on Sunday the two former prime ministers are going head-to-head in a runoff vote for France's center-right presidential nomination, with the victor expected to face a showdown against a resurgent Marine Le Pen in the May 2017 presidential election.

Ron Paul Lashes Out At WaPo's Witch Hunt: "Expect Such Attacks To Continue"

Ron Paul Lashes Out At WaPo's Witch Hunt: "Expect Such Attacks To Continue"


Washington Post Peddles Tarring of Ron Paul Institute as Russian Propaganda, via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

