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Anniversary of Alternative Reporter’s Death

Via The Daily Bell

We got the very sad news today, Nov. 22, 2015, that Dave McGowan passed away from cancer at 12:47 p.m.  – Truth and Shadows

We missed the anniversary of McGowan’s death, which was yesterday, but he was one helluva a writer, exposing in brief books the“directed history” of the modern era. So, we’ll remember him today. We’ve written about him before, here.

New York Times Admits "Searing" Complaints About Coverage Hit 15 Year High

New York Times Admits "Searing" Complaints About Coverage Hit 15 Year High

Amid the chaos surrounding Trump Tower and The New York Times, the so-called "failing" publication's readers are complaining at a rate on par with what was seen after 9/11 with an angry message: "I expect more from The Times."

As's Katie Frates reports, Times readers are writing and calling the Times and commenting on articles in droves to express, according to Spayd, “a searing level of dissatisfaction” with the 165-year-old paper’s coverage of the 2016 presidential election.

Schadenfreude and the New York Times

I am just back from Europe, where the Germans are preparing to sing a Christmas favorite, the “Make America Great Again” version of which goes: O Schadenfreude, O Schadenfreude, Du bringst ein schoen November. Which means, roughly: O Schadenfreude, O Schadenfreude, Thanks, pal, for the election result.

It’s a result that has made it fun to read the New York Times—at least for a while.

Why America Called 'Bullshit' On The Cult Of Clinton

Why America Called 'Bullshit' On The Cult Of Clinton

Submitted by Brendan O'Neill via,

The one good thing about Trump’s win? It shows a willingness among Americans to blaspheme against saints and reject the religion of hollow progressiveness.

If you want to see politics based on emotionalism over reason and a borderline-religious devotion to an iconic figure, forget the Trump Army; look instead to the Cult of Clinton.
