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presidential election

How Wartime Washington Lives in Luxury

In no place in America are the abrupt changes in the nation’s security posture so keenly reflected in real estate and lifestyle than the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. In the decade after 9/11, it has grown into a sprawling, pretentious representation of the federal government’s growth, vices and prosperity, encompassing the wealthiest counties, the best schools, and some of the highest rates of income inequality in the country.

‘Independence Day: Resurgence’ Reveals Hillary Clinton’s Agenda

If you want a great example of how Hollywood subliminally implants political propaganda into mainstream thinking then look no further. In this Independence Day: Resurgence trailer, the President of the USA gives a morale boosting, rousing speech to the masses true to the Independence day template. So what’s new? What’s new is that the president is a woman, not dissimilar in appearance to Hilary Clinton. The movie is released the same year as the DNC primaries and eventual presidential election. Furthermore it’s a Fox Production and Fox is a major sponsor of the Clinton campaign.

Israel Find 9/11 Truth An ‘Existential Threat’

The current media frenzy over Saudi Arabia’s role in the 9/11 attacks is a huge distraction from the real perpetrators of the tragedy, Israel – according to political analyst Mark Glenn.  Glenn says that the debate about Saudi’s involvement on September 11, 2001, distracts people from Tel Aviv’s involvement, which he says would endanger their very existence if the public found out the truth. reports: “I believe that the entire operation is one that is rooted in distracting people away from what the truly problematic elements are with regards to 9/11,” Glenn said.

Latest Shock From Europe's Refugee Crisis: Austria Right-Wing Party Sweeps First Round Of Presidential Election

Latest Shock From Europe's Refugee Crisis: Austria Right-Wing Party Sweeps First Round Of Presidential Election

The fallout of popular anger emanating from Europe's refugee crisis, which may have moderated in recent weeks following Europe's desperate attempts to bribe Turkey to keep as many refugees in its borders as possible (unleashing the era of unprecedented Turkish leverage over European sovereigns, including Germany and the Netherlands) continued today with a dramatic result from the first round of Austria's presidential election, where initial results showed that the candidate of the Freedom Party, Austria's right-wing, anti-immigrant party has swept his competition, gathering over 35% of the

Weekend Reading: It's Probably A Trap

Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

Earlier this week, I noted that due to the technical breakout of the market above the downtrend line from last May, an increase in exposure to equity risk was required. To wit:

“With the breakout of the market yesterday, and given that ‘short-term buy signals’ are in place I began adding exposure back into portfolios. This is probably the most difficult ‘buy’ I can ever remember making.

