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Democrats Introduce Absurd Bill To Muzzle Trump's Tweets, Release Taxes, And Stop Saying 'Fake News'

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The rolling tantrum from the left against President Trump has stumbled into absurd territory. In a bill unveiled last week and co-sponsored by 28 House Democrats - led by Rep. Steve Cohen, who looks dead on the inside, H. Res 456 "Objecting to the conduct of the President of the United States," details how mean and unpresidential Donald Trump has been.

The Conspiracy to Remove Trump from the Presidency — Paul Craig Roberts

The Conspiracy to Remove Trump from the Presidency

Paul Craig Roberts

US intelligence services, the Democratic Party, some Republicans including members of President Trump’s own government, and the presstitute US media are conspiring against American democracy and the President of the United States.

We know this from a public letter to Trump published today, July 24, 2017, on by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. See:

Five Weird Conspiracy Theories From CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Five Weird Conspiracy Theories From CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Authored by Adam Garrie via The Duran,

Mike Pompeo sounds increasingly unhinged when talking about Russia, Wikileaks and the media.

In a tirade against Russia based news outlets RT and Sputnik, Donald Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo blasted Russia for interfering not only in the 2016 US Presidential election but “the one before that and the one before that”. This would imply that Russia helped install Barack Obama in the White House even after his severely anti-Russian foreign policy became well known.

David Stockman Has Had Enough: "Brennan, Rice, Power - Lock Them All Up!"

Authored by David Stockman via,

We frequently hear people say they have nothing to hide - so surrendering privacy and constitutional rights to the Surveillance State may not be such a big deal if it helps catch a terrorist or two. But with each passing day in the RussiaGate drama we are learning that this superficial exoneration is dangerously beside the point.
