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the primaries

Wipeout — Then A Reformed GOP?

Joel Kotkin bids farewell to the Republican Party. Excerpts:

Against weak and squabbling opposition, Trump has employed his crude persona, and equally crude politics, to dominate the primaries to date. But in the process he has broken not only the party structure, but also its spirit. Indeed, some of the party’s most promising emerging leaders, such as Nebraska U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, have made it clear they cannot support a candidate who seems to have little respect for the Constitution, or any other cherished principle.

Donald Trump’s New Video: Hillary Barks Like A Dog…Literally

Donald Trump has released a new campaign video via his Instagram account. As reported by Think Progress, the video attacks presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Rather than attacking policy, her record of service, or anything remotely political – the video shows her barking like a dog: The video, posted on Trump’s Instagram, begins with a martial drumbeat and a video of Vladimir Putin wrestling. It cuts to a jihadi, and then to a clip of Hillary Clinton barking. It follows that with a clip of Putin chuckling. “We don’t need to be a punchline!” it concludes.

Meet Two Of The Men Who Will Determine Whether Trump Becomes President

Meet Two Of The Men Who Will Determine Whether Trump Becomes President

One of the things that seems to have never sunk in for Donald Trump’s GOP rivals (or at least until they were either sitting back at home on the couch reflecting on why they were beaten so badly or else talking sheepishly to reporters on Capitol Hill about their plans to retire from politics after being trounced in their home state) is that he feeds off of controversy and publicity. The more you talk about him - good or bad - the larger he looms in voters’ minds.
