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Republican primary

Flake Fires Back: Trump Is "Inviting" A 2020 Republican Primary Challenger

After coming under constant attack from the White House in recent weeks, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona seems to be launching a renewed counteroffensive against President Trump.  In speaking with Georgia Public Broadcasting earlier today, Senator Flake said that with the way Trump's governing and the "direction he's headed right now, just kinda drilling down on the base rather than trying to expand the base, I think he's inviting [a primary challenger]."  Per The Hill:

Dilbert's Scott Adams Explains "How To Know You're In A Mass Hysteria Bubble"

Dilbert's Scott Adams Explains "How To Know You're In A Mass Hysteria Bubble"

Authored by Scott Adams via Dilbert blog,

History is full of examples of Mass Hysterias. They happen fairly often. The cool thing about mass hysterias is that you don’t know when you are in one. But sometimes the people who are not experiencing the mass hysteria can recognize when others are experiencing one, if they know what to look for.

I’ll teach you what to look for.

2018 Obamacare Premium Estimates Are Surging Again Leaving Obama's "Legacy" On Life Support

2018 Obamacare Premium Estimates Are Surging Again Leaving Obama's "Legacy" On Life Support

Maryland, Virginia and Connecticut are the first three states to make their 2018 Obamacare premium estimates public and they paint a very bad picture for the future of Obama's crowning legislative achievement.  On average, premiums for individual insurance are expected to increase 33% over 2017 with Maryland's 4 insurers requesting a staggering 45% YoY increase.  Per Bloomberg:

