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Russia Reveals First Pics Of Top-Secret Arctic Base Filled With Reindeer-Riding Special Forces

Russia Reveals First Pics Of Top-Secret Arctic Base Filled With Reindeer-Riding Special Forces

After an 'icy' (pardon the pun) meeting between Rex Tillerson and Russia Foreign Secretary Sergei Lavrov last week in Moscow, Vladimir Putin has just released the first public photos of a giant, top-secret military base recently built on the arctic island of "Alexandra Land."  According to media reports, the base is believed to be fully-armed with missile systems and nuclear-ready fighter jets.

A virtual tour of the facility can be viewed here.


Has Trump Lost Control Of The Pentagon?

Via The Saker,

The Pentagon’s more aggressive military approach

Here is a short timeline of the Pentagon taking the presidential commander-in-chief power from Trump.

The ultimatums came on March 1.

On March 1, 2017 the Atlantic’s article “Trump and the Generals”

announced that Trump’s military leaders “increasingly sound like they’re working for a different president altogether.

Paul Craig Roberts Asks "Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The insouciance of the Western world is extraordinary.

It is not only Americans who permit themselves to be brainwashed by CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the New York Times and Washington Post, but also their counterparts in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, who rely on the war propaganda machine that poses as a media.

The Western “leaders,” that is, the puppets on the end of the strings pulled by the powerful private interest groups and the Deep State, are just as insouciant.

Tillerson In Moscow: Is World War III Back On Track?

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

If anyone is worried whether the prospect of a major war, which many of us considered almost inevitable if Hillary Clinton had attained the White House, is back on track, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s visit to Moscow was cold comfort. From his remarks together with his counterpart Sergey Lavrov, there is now little reason to expect any improvement in US-Russia ties anytime soon, if ever, and much reason to expect them to get worse – a lot worse.
