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Rex Tillerson To Skip NATO Meeting, Will Visit Russia Instead

If after a day full of James Comey's dramatic testimony in Congress, which according to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough was “the worst day of Donald Trump’s presidency” after Comey stated on the record that he is not aware of any wiretapping of Trump Tower and that the FBI has been probing Russia for ties with the Trump campaign since July, Trump wanted to send the world a signal that his priorities remain focused on Russia, and he is not backing down from demanding NATO pay its "fair share", his Secretary of State has done just that after Reuters reported that Rex Tillerson plans to skip the April

Merkel Offers 'Olive Branch' To Russia As "Solution To Many International Conflicts"

Merkel Offers 'Olive Branch' To Russia As "Solution To Many International Conflicts"

After admitting to notable differences with President Trump during a press conference with Japanese PM Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel poured some cold water on the neocon narrative as she appeared to offer an olive branch to Russia - hardly painting Putin as the enemy of all and destroyer of worlds.

Suspense Builds Over James Comey's Testimony On Russian "Hacking" Of US Elections, Trump's Alleged Wiretap

Suspense Builds Over James Comey's Testimony On Russian "Hacking" Of US Elections, Trump's Alleged Wiretap

Today at 10am, the directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Security Agency will break their public silence and give keenly await testimony about their investigations into possible links between Russia and President Donald Trump's campaign at a rare open congressional intelligence committee hearing. They will also be grilled on Trump's explosive allegation that he was wiretapped by his predecessor Barack Obama.
