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Russia-Europe Relationship: On The Threshold Of A New Era

Submitted by Alex Gorka via,

Matteo Renzi resigned as the Italian Prime Minister after the people of Italy voted «no» in a historic referendum on constitutional reform on December 4. The vote results triggered a shock wave across Europe much like Brexit. It’s up to Italian President Sergio Mattarella now to decide what will happen next – an appointment of new prime minister supported by parliamentary majority or a snap election, paving the way for an anti-euro party, the 5-Star Movement, to come to power.

With Assad On Verge Of Historic Victory, Syrian Rebels Request A Ceasefire

With Assad On Verge Of Historic Victory, Syrian Rebels Request A Ceasefire

After nearly six years, Syria's civil war started under Hillary Clinton's watch in March 2011 during the Arab Spring protest, is finally coming to an end.

The battle for one of the most contested Syrian cities during the war, Aleppo - which was Syria's most populous city before the war - is almost over and the "rebel forces" who live in the city eastern part, realizing they are on the verge of losing, have finally come to the negotiating table but it is too late.

Lindsey Graham Launches 2 Russian 'Hacking' Probes, Demands Trump "Toughen Tone"

Having dropped out of the primary race almost exactly a year ago, prominent foreign policy hawk, Republic Senator Lindsey Graham told CNN during an interview today that he plans to launch two separate probes (from both of his subcommittees) into Russia's "hacking" and demand that President-elect Trump "take a much tougher tone towards Russia... or they will break up our alliances."

How Russia Outsmarted OPEC

How Russia Outsmarted OPEC

Submitted by Irina Slav via,

OPEC’s historical deal to cut production has been sealed, and oil prices have jumped as a result, comfortably above the $50 per barrel mark. According to Lukoil’s vice president, Leonid Fedun, the average price of crude in 2017 could reach US$60 a barrel, thanks in no small part to that agreement.

According to some observers, the effect won’t be so noticeable, and prices will continue to hover around US$50.
