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ISIS Preparing For Subway Attack In Russia

Russian authorities are urgently tracking down three ISIS militants who they say are planning to attack the subways in cities across Russia.  Fort Russ reports: Among them are two female suicide bombers, one of whom is a citizen of Saudi Arabia named Majida al-Salali. “The citizens of Saudi Arabia and Tunisia went from Syria to Turkey, from where they planned to go to the territory of the Russian Federation under the guise of tourists,” said a source in law enforcement, — after which the terrorists are planning to organize terrorist attacks in the subway of Yekaterinburg and St.

Russia To Officially Recognise Turkey As “Accomplice Of Terrorism”

Russia have announced plans to officially recognize Turkey as “an accomplice of terrorism”, saying that Turkish political organizations such as the “Grey Wolves” will be banned in the country.  The bold move was suggested by MP Sergei Obukhov after evidence emerged that the “Grey Wolves” organisation may have been responsible for the downing of the Russian A321 plane over Sinai.

Russia Releases Video Of Turkey Shelling "Syrian Civilian Settlements", Demands "Immediate Explanation"

Last week, tempers flared anew between Ankara and Moscow after Turkey accused Russia of violating its airspace near the Syrian border.

This time around, Turkey summoned the Russian ambassador - a much more prudent course of action than shooting down a Russian warplane, which is what Ankara decided to do back in November.

Crude Sinks To Day Lows After Goldman Explains Why No Oil Production Cuts Are Coming

Crude Sinks To Day Lows After Goldman Explains Why No Oil Production Cuts Are Coming

Moments ago, following last week's torrid crude oil price rebound driven entirely by now-denied hopes of some production cut consensus between oil suppliers, namely Russia and Saudi Arabia, oil halted its four-day rally as weak Chinese manufacturing data added to economic demand concern.

“The risk seems to be the greatest on the downside again” and speculation of OPEC production cuts has “faded fast,” says Saxo Bank head of commodity strategy Ole Hansen. “China and South Korea are both helping the market return to fundamental focus where it is worried about demand."

Turkey Threatens Russia With “Serious Consequences”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Russia that it will have to “endure the consequences” if their jets continue to violate Turkish airspace, following the alleged infringement by a Russian Su-34 warplane.  The stern warning comes just two months after Turkey shot down a Russian jet for crossing over its territory. The incident is hotly disputed by Russia, who say they were legally flying over Syria at the time.
