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Putin Says U.S. Is A Threat To Russia’s National Security

Russia have named the United States as a threat against its national security for the first time, signalling deteriorating relations between the two superpowers.  President Putin signed a document entitled, “About the Strategy of National Security of Russian Federation“, and for the first time in history it lists NATO and the U.S. as potential adversaries to Russia. reports: It says Russia has managed to heighten its role in solving global problems and international conflicts. That heightened role has caused a reaction by the West, it says.

Putin Defines The US As A Threat To Russia’s Security

In a new strategy document, Russia has for the first time appraised the United States as a threat to its national security. Times of India reports: The document, “About the Strategy of National Security of Russian Federation”, was signed by President Vladimir Putin on New Year’s Eve. It replaces a 2009 version, endorsed by Dmitry Medvedev, president then, and the current prime minister, which mentioned neither the United States not Nato. It says Russia has managed to heighten its role in solving global problems and international conflicts.

Putin Names US As Threat To Russian National Security In New Strategy Document

It’s no secret that relations between Moscow and the West have deteriorated the post-Cold War lows. 

The annexation of Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine have pushed the two sides to the brink of a Baltic battle while Russia’s intervention in Syria changed the West’s calculus when it comes to pushing for regime change in the Mid-East. 

Earlier this year, in a hilariously accurate assessment of US foreign policy, Vladimir Putin’s Security Council issued a statement entitled "About The US National Security Strategy". Here are some notable excerpts (translated):
