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Russia Develop Nuclear Warheads To Destroy Incoming Asteroids

Russia have announced plans to develop nuclear weapons that will be capable of saving humanity in the event of asteroids hitting the Earth.  Russian scientists are developing nuclear warheads to deal with the ever-increasing threat of armageddon poised by the giant pieces of space rock. A team of scientists have been asked by an EU-sponsored program, NEOShield, to develop weapons to protect the planet.

The "Putin Is Isolated" Meme Officially Dies As Japan Calls For Closer Ties With Russia

The "Putin Is Isolated" Meme Officially Dies As Japan Calls For Closer Ties With Russia

One of the great ironies of the Obama administration’s foreign policy record is the extent to which Washington started 2009 with designs on normalizing frosty relations with Russia and started 2015 with the worst US-Russo dynamic since the Cold War.

To be sure, not all of that was Washington’s fault - but most of it was.

Obama Official Lands At Russian Military Base, Warns Of World War 3

Russia have reported that US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, made an unexpected visit to a Russian Military airbase recently, demanding to urgently speak to President Putin about the coming “world war 3″.  Nuland had just left Vilnius International Airport in Lithuania aboard her US military aircraft after her meeting with that nations Foreign Minister, Lazar Comanescu, when this unplanned incident occurred. Putin declined to meet with the Assistant Secretary of State, but did send top aide Vladislav Surkov to meet with her.

Washington Using North Korea To Justify War With China

According to Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power organisation, the Cold War is raging again, and this time both China and Russia are being coerced into a military conflict with the West via North Korea. “Really, the Cold War is raging again,” Gagnon told a Russian radio program, “The US is absolutely encircling Russia and China today.” Part of the Pentagon’s strategy includes utilising a new arsenal of “smart” nuclear weapons, complete with adjustable yields, alongside missile defense systems aboard navy warships.
