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US To Propose Watered Down North Korea Sanctions To Appease China And Russia

US To Propose Watered Down North Korea Sanctions To Appease China And Russia

In the latest indication that the US is desperate to reach a diplomatic compromise over North Korea, even if it means appeasing Beijing and Moscow, Reuters reports that while the UN Security Council is set to vote on Monday afternoon on a U.S.-drafted resolution to impose new sanctions on North Korea over latest nuclear test, as discussed on Friday, the new draft no longer proposes blacklisting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, while also dropping a proposed oil embargo - something Beijing had vocally opposed - and instead intends to impose a ban on condensates and natural g

Massive Russian, NATO Wargames Set To Begin Amid Mutual Accusations Of Provocation

Massive Russian, NATO Wargames Set To Begin Amid Mutual Accusations Of Provocation

As the two old, cold war adversaries, Russia and NATO, prepare to begin massive war games to show off their respective military strengths, it was the UK's turn to accuse Russia first of "testing the West" by conducting war games on NATO’s eastern flank in its biggest military exercise in four years. Speaking on BBC's “The Andrew Marr Show” on Sunday, U.K. Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that Russia's exercise "is designed to provoke us, it’s designed to test our defenses, and that’s why we have to be strong.

If you don’t see that Washington is driving to war with Russia you are a dumbshit American

If you don’t see that Washington is driving to war with Russia you are
a dumbshit American

Stephan Lendman Tells It Like It Is

by Stephen Lendman

In response to the Trump administration’s illegal seizure and search of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, a total violation of diplomatic immunity, Vladimir Putin responded to a reporter’s question, saying “Trump is not my bride, and I am not his bride or groom.”

George Soros And The Politics Of Hope And Hate

Authored by Matthew Jamison via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The hackneyed international billionaire enigma known by the name of George Soros (redolent of the James Bond villain Blofeld – the head of the sinister shadow government organisation Spectre – in Ian Fleming’s novels) is up to his old tricks yet again in stirring up tensions and trouble to suit his own warped personal, political and financial agenda.

Reports Confirm North Korea Has Enough Oil To Survive An Embargo

Reports Confirm North Korea Has Enough Oil To Survive An Embargo

Authored by Adam Garrie via,

While a full scale oil embargo against North Korea is unlikely, the reality is that North Korea would be able to survive such a measure with comparative ease.

The United States has recently suggested a global oil embargo against North Korea, something both China and Russia oppose. The DPRK’s neighbours to the north support UN sanctions against Pyongyang, but have firmly opposed unilateral US sanctions against North Korea.
