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Paul Craig Roberts Rages At Americans "Laughing All The Way To Armageddon"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The United States shows the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us.

The latest spin on “Russia stole the election” is that Russia used Facebook to influence the election. The NPR women yesterday were breathless about it.

We have been subjected to ten months of propaganda about Trump/Putin election interference and still not a scrap of evidence. It is past time to ask an unasked question:

Mueller Requests Interviews With 6 Members Of Trump's "Inner Circle"

Mueller Requests Interviews With 6 Members Of Trump's "Inner Circle"

In one of the Washington Post’s tamest Friday-night bombshells to date, the Jeff Bezos-owned paper of record alleges that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is trying to interview six current and former White House aides, a sign that “the probe that has dogged Trump’s presidency is starting to penetrate a closer circle of aides around the president.”

Putin Regrets Awarding Tillerson With Russian "Order of Friendship"

Putin Regrets Awarding Tillerson With Russian "Order of Friendship"

After reports surfaced last month that President Donald Trump was becoming “frustrated” with his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, another world leader has expressed regret at honoring the former ExxonMobil CEO. Russian President Vladimir Putin joked during public remarks on Thursday that Tillerson had “fallen in with the wrong company” since being awarded with a Russian state honor for his contribution to Russian-U.S. relations, according to Reuters.

The remark was emblematic of the deterioration in relations between the Trump administration and Putin’s government:

Senate Intel Chair Demands Crackdown On Russia's Social-Media Ad Spend

Senate Intel Chair Demands Crackdown On Russia's Social-Media Ad Spend

Following Facebook’s “bombshell” revelation last night that Russian-backed entities purchased more than $100,000 in political advertising on its platform, Congressional Democrats and their compatriots in the “resistance” have been howling that the company's admission represents incontrovertible proof that Russia successfully managed to sway the US presidential election.
