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Putin Blasts Reporter Over Question Of "Disappointment" In Trump: "He Is Not My Bride"

As tensions seemingly mount between the U.S. and Russia, an inconvenient fact for a media complex obsessed with progressing a narrative that the Executive Branch of the U.S. government is now controlled by the Kremlin, Putin offered up a rather unique way of responding to a reporter's question over whether he was "disappointed" in President Trump.  Speaking at a media conference on the last of the BRICS summit in China, Putin told a reporter that his question regarding his personal feelings toward the U.S. President were "very naive....he is not my bride."

Putin Rejects More Korea Sactions, Warns US Risks "Global Catastrophe, Huge Loss Of Human Life"

Putin Rejects More Korea Sactions, Warns US Risks "Global Catastrophe, Huge Loss Of Human Life"

After UN Ambassador Nikki Haley asked the security council to pass the “strongest possible” sanctions against North Korea following the isolated nation’s sixth nuclear test which took place over the weekend, Russia President Vladimir Putin has hinted that Russia may - and most likely will - use its Security Council veto power to stop any further sanctions from being implemented.  

Endless Regional Chaos: American Presence In Afghanistan Explained

Endless Regional Chaos: American Presence In Afghanistan Explained

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The geographic location of Afghanistan has always occupied a central role in many geopolitical studies. Donald Trump’s reasons for reinforcing US troops in the region are driven by the continuing US need to prevent a complete Eurasian integration among regional powers.
