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Washington Pushes Harder Against Russia — Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Pushes Harder Against Russia

Paul Craig Roberts

Some historians believe that the cause of WW2 was UK prime minister Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler’s recovery of German territory given to other countries via the Versailles Treaty in contravention of US President Woodrow Wilson’s promise to Germany that there would be no reparations and no loss of territory if Germany agreed to an armistance ending WW1.

4 Financial Components To Improved Russian Relations

4 Financial Components To Improved Russian Relations

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

With the U.S. preparing to confront China and go to war with North Korea, Russia is an indispensable ally for the U.S.

There are huge implications on capital markets as these hegemonic powers continue to edge toward war.

Here’s an overview of some of the financial implications of improved relations with Russia…

WSJ Asks "Who Paid For The 'Trump Dossier'?"

WSJ Asks "Who Paid For The 'Trump Dossier'?"

Authored by Kimberley Strassel via The Wall Street Journal,

Democrats don’t want you to find out - and that ought to be a scandal of its own...

It has been 10 days since Democrats received the glorious news that Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley would require Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort to explain their meeting with Russian operators at Trump Tower last year. The left was salivating at the prospect of watching two Trump insiders being grilled about Russian “collusion” under the klieg lights.

"It's Time To Retaliate": Putin Expels 755 U.S. Diplomats

When Russia warned on Friday that it would retaliate proportionately after it announced it would seize two diplomatic compounds used by the US in Russia and added that it would reduce the number of US diplomatic service staff in the country to equal the number of Russian diplomats in the US by September 1, calculated by the local press at 455, it wasn't joking.
