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Russian government

"It Is A Conspiracy To Have Trump Impeached": Russia Denies Trump Officials Contacted Russian Spies

The latest Trump foreign policy keeps getting stranger by the minute. Overnight, as the three liberal-leaning US newspaper launched another attack on Trump, alleging that officials linked to the president, most notably Tim Manafort, engaged Russian intel officials in the not too distant past, the Russian government dismissed allegations that the country’s intelligence officials were in repeated contact with Donald Trump’s team ahead of the US election.

Russian Responds To US Intel Report It Helped Trump Defeat Hillary

The US intelligence community has released the unclassified findings of its investigation into what it says was Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and Russia's apparently takes a significant chunk of the blame, "by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences." Or does it?

RT responds to these 'charges' below with some 'facts'...

Russian Hackers Said To "Penetrate US Electricity Grid" Using Outdated Ukrainian Malware

Russian Hackers Said To "Penetrate US Electricity Grid" Using Outdated Ukrainian Malware

Two days after the DHS and FBI released a report revealing what the US agencies alleged was the government-controlled Russian operation behind the "hacking of the US election" which they dubbed "Grizzly Steppe", and which had a peculiar disclaimer according to which nothing contained in the report should be taken at face value or was even credible after the DHS said it "does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within"...

What Is The Obama Regime Up To? — Paul Craig Roberts

What Is The Obama Regime Up To?

Paul Craig Roberts

Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian government influenced the outcome of the US presidential election with “malicious cyber-enabled activities.”

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a report “related to the declaration of 35 Russian officials persona non grata for malicious cyber activity and harassment.”
