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Senate Intelligence Committee

European Stocks Fall To 3 Month Lows On "Carmaker Cartel" Fears, Sliding PMIs; US Futures Lower

European Stocks Fall To 3 Month Lows On "Carmaker Cartel" Fears, Sliding PMIs; US Futures Lower

In a mixed session, which has seen Asian stocks ex-Japan broadly higher, the European Stoxx 600 index dropped as much as 0.6% after data Markit PMI data signalled euro-area economy grew in July at its slowest pace in six months while carmakers extended declines on continued concern about antitrust collusion in the industry.  Germany’s DAX Index was hardest-hit euro-area benchmark, down as much as 0.8%. Autos continued to be the worst-performing sector on the Stoxx Europe 600 after EU and German regulators said they are studying possible collusion among German automakers.

Trump Jr, Manafort, Kushner To Testify Next Week

Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump campaign chair, Paul Manafort, are set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a public hearing next Wednesday, the committee announced.  The Senate judiciary committee hearing, entitled “Oversight of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and Attempts to Influence U.S. Elections: Lessons Learned from Current and Prior Administrations”, will take place on July 26. 

Previewing The Main Event: Senate Intel Committee Asks Comey To Testify

Previewing The Main Event: Senate Intel Committee Asks Comey To Testify

After House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz unleashed the power of his "subpoena pen" last night, sending a letter to the FBI's Acting Director Andrew McCabe demanding all Comey-Trump related memos, the Senate Intelligence Committee is now demanding their seat at the table. 

According to media reports, the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) has just sent an official invitation to former FBI director James Comey to appear before the panel in both open and closed sessions.

Senate Intel Committee Orders White House To Keep All Records For Russia Probe

Senate Intel Committee Orders White House To Keep All Records For Russia Probe

The "Russia hacked the US election" is getting its second wind.

One day after Reuters provided further details of the ongoing FBI probes - of which there are now reportedly three - into activities that are generally classified as the Kremlin's hacking of the US presidential election, the Senate Intelligence Committee has likewise escalated its probe into Russian interference, and is requesting that agencies preserve all materials that could tie into the committee's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.