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Angry Dems Turn On Obama, Pelosi, Schumer: "Talk Less About Russia"

Angry Dems Turn On Obama, Pelosi, Schumer: "Talk Less About Russia"

It’s been a rough week for the legacy of the Obama administration. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee launched a Democrat-endorsed probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s conduct during the campaign – when it’s widely believed she colluded with the Clinton’s to “soften” the FBI’s probe into Hillary’s mishandling of classified information.

Senate Judiciary Committee Opens Probe Into Loretta Lynch

Senate Judiciary Committee Opens Probe Into Loretta Lynch

As more Democrats have started to question why former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was never investigated for obstruction following a suspicious meeting with former President Bill Clinton, it appears the Senate Judiciary Committee has finally decided to act.

The Washington Times reported Friday that the committee has launched a formal investigation into Lynch’s attempts to shape the FBI’s probe into Hillary Clinton, and whether she mishandled classified information on her private email server.

Here Is The Full Text Of The Republican Healthcare Bill

Update:  Senate Republicans have just released their official 142-page healthcare bill.

Here are some initial takeaways from the Wall Street Journal:

  • The bill seeks funding for insurers through 2021
  • The bill provides tax credits, lowers income eligibility
  • Tax cuts on high-income households largely unchanged from House plan
  • Bill suspends 'Cadillac Tax' on employer health plans through 2025

Specifically on Taxes:
