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5 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST

5 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST

Via The Daily Bell

Can you believe that there are at least three statues of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington DC? There is one in South Dakota too, another in Virginia, and even more in London.

It appears all these places are overrun by racists and fascist sympathizers. How can people put up with revering a man who:

1. Literally Rounded Up 120,000 Japanese Americans, and Put them in Concentration Camps!

That was authorized by executive order 9066, which Roosevelt signed February 19, 1942.

Love Fest in Boston: Trump Shows Support for ANTIFA Shutting Down Free Speech Rally

Love Fest in Boston: Trump Shows Support for ANTIFA Shutting Down Free Speech Rally

Content originally published at


I am sure this is just another case of 400DD inter-galactical chess. Before we delve into today's alt-right embarrassment in Boston, it's important to note that Trump's White House is, quite literally, staffed with Democrats -- people who would be comfortable in a Clinton White House.
