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Which European Nation Suffers From The Most Drug-Induced Deaths?

Which European Nation Suffers From The Most Drug-Induced Deaths?

As highlighted by the latest edition of the European Drug Report, Estonia is the country with the most drug-induced deaths per million population in Europe.

You will find more statistics at Statista

At 103 - 82 above the EU average - only Sweden comes close with 100 deaths. However, at the other end of the scale, as Statista's Martin Armstrong points out, Portugal, where drugs were decriminalised back in 2001, had only 6 per million people.

Snyder Rages "We Need To Build Trump's Wall, And We Need To Build It Tall & Strong"

Snyder Rages "We Need To Build Trump's Wall, And We Need To Build It Tall & Strong"

Authored by Michael Snyder via The American Dream blog,

Did you know that Mexico is the second deadliest nation on the entire planet? The drug war down there continues to spiral completely out of control, and often the violence spills over to our own side of the border. Thanks to President Trump, security along the border is improving, but we still have a long, long way to go. Ultimately what we need is a physical barrier, because large numbers of illegal immigrants continue to pour through the soft spots in our border security.

New Study Finds U.S. Healthcare System Ranks Dead Last Compared To Other Developed Nations

New Study Finds U.S. Healthcare System Ranks Dead Last Compared To Other Developed Nations

As Republicans sit on the precipice of fumbling what will likely be their one opportunity to repeal and replace America's failed Obamacare experiment, a new study just released by The Commonwealth Fund found that the U.S., despite spending more money per capita than any other country on the planet, has the worst healthcare system in the developed world.

Meet The Only Private Equity Fund In History To Raise $2 Billion From Investors And Return $0

Meet The Only Private Equity Fund In History To Raise $2 Billion From Investors And Return $0

Sir Richard Branson once said that the quickest way to become a millionaire was to take a billion dollars and buy an airline. But, as EnerVest Ltd, a Houston-based private equity firm that focuses on energy investments, recently found out, there's more than one way to go broke investing in extremely volatile sectors. 
