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Social Issues

Biden: High Gas Prices For 'As Long As It Takes' To Defeat Russia

In a rare press conference after the Madrid NATO Summit today, President Biden was asked how long Americans should expect to pay high gas prices over the Ukraine conflict. Biden's response was flippant: "for as long as it takes." He also blamed high food prices on "Russia, Russia, Russia." Are Americans buying it? Also today: They're turning West Point into "Woke Point" and some retired grads are steaming! Watch today's Liberty Report:

Operational Health Tech: A New Billion Dollar Market

The following content is sponsored by Bloom Health Partners

Operational Health Tech: A New Billion Dollar Market

Many lessons were learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but what has become most apparent is the need to invest in healthcare on all fronts. In fact in just a few short years, businesses, governments, and consumers have had to entirely reassess healthcare in ways not quite seen before.

The Republic of Texas, Part Two

Texas was its own nation independent of any other for ten years between gaining its independence from Mexico in 1836 and joining the United States in 1846. Nearly 180 years later, could Texas be on the verge of becoming an independent republic again? Last week, at the Texas Republican Party state convention, a call for the state legislature to place a referendum on the statewide general election ballot in 2023 concerning Texas seceding from the US was included in the state party’s platform. The platform section dealing with the matter reads as follow:
