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Social Issues

The Republic of Texas, Part Two

Texas was its own nation independent of any other for ten years between gaining its independence from Mexico in 1836 and joining the United States in 1846. Nearly 180 years later, could Texas be on the verge of becoming an independent republic again? Last week, at the Texas Republican Party state convention, a call for the state legislature to place a referendum on the statewide general election ballot in 2023 concerning Texas seceding from the US was included in the state party’s platform. The platform section dealing with the matter reads as follow:

Mapped: A Decade of Population Growth and Decline in U.S. Counties

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Mapping the Migration of the World’s Millionaires

Mapping the Migration of the World’s Millionaires

Throughout 2022, a projected 88,000 millionaires will move to a new country, according to the latest Henley Global Citizens Report.

Which countries are these millionaires moving to, and where in the world are they coming from?

This graphic maps the migration of high net worth individuals (HNWIs)—people with a net worth of over US$1 million—showing where rich people are flocking, and where they’re fleeing.

Migration of Millionaires is Back

Leftist Groomers: Keep Your Gender Fluids Away From Children

By Brandon Smith

It’s not always the case, but there are times when social conflicts arise in which one side is fully correct and the other side is completely and utterly wrong. When it comes to the debate over “trans rights” and the exposure of children to trans ideology, the political left has no logical defense. They are wrong to the point of pure madness, and like most insane people they choose to double and triple down on their delusions anyway.
