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America's #1 Again (In Healthcare Costs Around The World)

America's #1 Again (In Healthcare Costs Around The World)

While the American Healthcare Act, President Trump’s first major legislative effort, is going to a vote in the House of Representatives on Friday - no matter what; for many years now, the American healthcare system has been flawed.

As Statista's Feliz Richter illustrates in the chart below, U.S. health spending per capita (including public and private spending) is higher than it is anywhere else in the world, and yet, the country lags behind other nations in several aspects such as life expectancy and health insurance coverage.

People Are Ditching Chicago In Record Numbers As Windy City Leads U.S. In Population Loss

People Are Ditching Chicago In Record Numbers As Windy City Leads U.S. In Population Loss

In just the latest sign that things are about to get a whole lot worse for the city of Chicago, especially in their efforts to deal with that pesky little $130 billion pension problem, the latest population statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau reveal that people are abandoning the Windy City in record numbers.  Per the table below from Crain's, the population of metropolitan Chicago has now declined two years in a row, a rate of decline that is accelerating, with over 65,000 people choosing migrate to other safer areas of the country.

Revised GOP Health Plan Gets Terrible CBO Score: All The Negatives, Almost No Positives

CBO has scored the revised RyanCare plan that was released on Monday night (notably not with amendments that have likely been discussed this week with the Freedom Caucus) and it is even worse... considerably less budget deficit reduction, the same number of uninsured, and similar effects on healthcare premium. 

CBO Comparison With the Previous Estimate

The Center Folds - GOP Loses Obamacare Reform Votes From 'Tuesday Group'

It is not just the Freedom Caucus tails of the Republican Party that are holding out from the Obamacare reform vote, GOP centrists in the House are fleeing from their party’s first major legislative test of President Trump's reign.

As The Hill reports, centrist defections in the last 24 hours include Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), the co-chairman of the moderate Tuesday Group, which has roughly 50 members.
