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New York Times: Clinton Allies Paid $700k for Sex Assault Accusations Against Trump During Campaign

New York Times: Hillary Allies Paid $700k for Sex Assault Accusations Against Trump During Campaign

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One-Third Of The 2016 Spike In U.S. Homicides Came From Just 5 Chicago Neighborhoods

One-Third Of The 2016 Spike In U.S. Homicides Came From Just 5 Chicago Neighborhoods

Authored by Thomas Lifson of American Thinker,

The full evil of the anti-cop hysteria pushed by left wing groups like #BlackLivesMatter will take many years to be understood, in no small part because of political and media support for the notion that racism on the part of cops is the sole cause for disproportionate numbers of black perpetrators in our crime statistics.

But every now and then, a statistic appears that cannot be easily dismissed. Jared Sichel of The Daily Signal brings one such figure to our attention.
