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Social Issues

Putin: CIA Thugs Plan Violent Coup Against Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a strongly worded “urgent” warning to Donald Trump, telling the President-elect that the CIA plan to orchestrate a violent coup against him.  Putin says he sees the U.S. spy agencies using “Maidan-style” methods previously used in Ukraine to orchestrate a violent coup that will either see Trump killed or removed from office. Referring to the current administration as “worse than prostitutes,” Putin rejected the claims that Russia helped Trump win the election, and warned that the U.S.

Why Obamacare's "20 Million" Number Is Fake

Submitted by Genevieve Wood via,

Liberals are notorious for caring about “groups” of people, but when it gets down to individual persons, not so much. You’re about to see this play out in spades as Democrats cry crocodile tears over the coming repeal of Obamacare.

You hear it over and over again: “This will be catastrophic for the 20 million people who were previously uninsured but now have coverage! You can’t take away their health care!”

Member of DC Anti-Fascist Coalition penned defenses of adult-child sex in late 1990's

Member of DC Anti-Fascist Coalition penned defenses of adult-child sex in late 1990's

WARNING: certain links below contain graphic descriptions of sexual relations with minors. Reader discretion is advised.

On January 16th, 2017, journalist James O'Keefe and Project Veritas released the first part of footage they had shot documenting attempts by the Anti-Fascist Coalition to commit acts of civil disobedience and protest during Donald Trump's Presidential Inauguration on January 20th.

Merkel's Human Rights Speaker Resigns Over Refugee Policy

Merkel's Human Rights Speaker Resigns Over Refugee Policy

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Merkel’s human rights speaker, Erika Steinbach, resigned over the chancellor’s immigration policy. She also left the CDU party.

Erika Steinbach, who’s been with Chancellor Merkel’s CDU for 43 years, has strongly criticized the leader’s handling of the migrant crisis. She claims conservatives have been sidelined in Germany’s main ruling party.


Two More Major Problems For Social Security & Medicare

Submitted by Simon Black via,

Not too long ago my step-dad had to spend a few days in intensive care. Pretty scary stuff.

He had just about every nasty symptom imaginable, from constant vomiting to dizziness to ultra-high fever, but the doctors couldn’t figure out why.

Fortunately his condition improved enough that he was released from the hospital, and now he’s on the mend.
