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Social Issues

Love, Marriage, and the State

This book is about the proper relationship between marriage and state—and yet it’s so much more: an exhaustively researched work on all aspects of love and marriage. So it would be sad if readers uninterested in its political theme passed up the book. Here I will focus the link between marriage and state, but don’t take that to mean that Chartier’s larger purpose is unimportant or uninteresting.

DAPL Protesters Occupy Times Square, Burn US Flag

Over 200 Dakota Access pipeline protesters marched in New York City to honor activist Sophia Wilansky who is facing a possible arm amputation and up to 20 surgeries after pipeline security reportedly threw a concussion grenade. The 21 year old was severely injured by an explosive during clashes with police at Standing Rock in North Dakota on Sunday night. The Obama administration meanwhile, has remained silent amid mounting calls for federal authorities to intervene to stop police violence at Standing Rock after hundreds of water protectors were injured, some seriously.

Obama Admin Fines, "Forces Sheriff's Dept. To Hire" Illegal Immigrants

Obama Admin Fines, "Forces Sheriff's Dept. To Hire" Illegal Immigrants

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

The lawlessness of the Obama Administration knows no bounds.

Not only has President Obama made every move he can through executive order to create and foster amnesty for illegal immigrants, but his Justice Department is now attempting to force people to hire undocumented workers.

Ironically, the agency on the other end of intimidation is the Denver County Sheriff’s Office.

Incredibly backwards…

via the Daily Caller:
