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Social Issues

British Lord Proposes "Fix" To Pension Crisis: Work Until 70 To Get More Money

British Lord Proposes "Fix" To Pension Crisis: Work Until 70 To Get More Money

In a world of increasingly more negative interest rates, one group is impacted more than most: pensioners who had relied on fixed income to fund their retirement years who are slowly discovering that as pension funds are unable to meet their annual 6-7% return target, that the pensions promised to them will never materialize, or worse be haircut by 50%, 60% or more.

New World Order Using Climate Change Agenda To Enslave Humanity

Evidence and facts have emerged regarding what the “extreme austerity measures to combat climate change” that the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Obama administration and other environmental groups want enforced will actually do to the US and world economy. The New World order and their sock puppets have devised a plan to make the elite richer, while placing a heavy burden on middle and low income earners as part of their sick and twisted master plan to control the human race.
