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Social Issues

‘Justice-Involved Individuals’

If I said to you “What is a ‘justice-involved individual,” you might think, “a cop” or “a lawyer,” but you would probably think, “Uh oh, that sounds like a term meant to conceal something.”

And you would be right. “Justice-involved individuals” is the term that a new guide from the Department of Education uses to refer to “criminals. Here’s the introduction:

Beyond the Box
Increasing Access to Higher Education for Justice Involved
Purpose of This Guide

Which Countries Will Be Tomorrow's Winners & Losers?

Which Countries Will Be Tomorrow's Winners & Losers?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via,

The dictum “demographics is destiny” proposes that all the complexities of finance, society and politics are ultimately guided by demographics: the relative size of each generation, birth rates, death rates, etc.

For example, an oversized generation of retirees and an undersized generation of workers to support them has far-reaching consequences that can’t be legislated away.

The Power Of Conformity

A reader writes:

Watching my Facebook feed over the past several years, I’ve come to understand what bin Laden meant when he said people naturally back “the strong horse.” Now that it appears that LGBT+ is the Winning Team, a lot of folks are suddenly super-duper in favor of pretty much the entire LGBT+ agenda, despite whatever they might have said in the past.

#FatLivesMatter - America's Most Obese States

#FatLivesMatter - America's Most Obese States

Americans have never been fatter, but beneath the surface of the 'union', some states and ethnicities are more obese than others...

At 18.5%, Hawaii has the lowest adult obesity rate in the U.S., closely followed by Colorado at 19.8%. As Gallup reports, they are the only two states in which the obesity rate is below 20%. West Virginia has the highest adult obesity rate, at 37.0%. In addition to West Virginia, at least one in three adults are obese in Mississippi, Delaware, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

