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"Almost A Given It Will End Badly": Vanguard Founder Jack Bogle Says U.S. Pensions Are Doomed

"Almost A Given It Will End Badly": Vanguard Founder Jack Bogle Says U.S. Pensions Are Doomed

Legendary investor Jack Bogle is apparently not all that optimistic that public pension funds in the U.S. are going to be able to meet their future funding obligations.  Speaking with Bloomberg earlier today, Bogle predicted that bond returns will be a paltry 3% over the next decade, with stock returns not that much better, making it almost impossible for pensions to meet their arbitrary 7.5%-8.0% return hurdles.

Can the American Left Be Resurrected?

Can the American Left Be Resurrected?

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers: if your website dies it won’t be resurrected. Come to its support.

“Where is the leftwing when we need it” is a question I have asked at times. Some of my readers who confuse the left with Antifa and Identity politics have been confused by my question. Why, they ask, do I want more Antifa thugs and Identity Politics hatred of white people?

Professor Offers Extra Credit To Students Who "Rally Against The GOP Tax Bill"

Professor Offers Extra Credit To Students Who "Rally Against The GOP Tax Bill"

Authored by Anthony Gockowski via Campus Reform blog,

At least one Kutztown University professor offered students extra credit Tuesday to participate in a rally against the GOP tax plan.

“Please join your faculty as we rally against the GOP Tax Bill that has serious implications to you and on Higher Education. This is an opportunity to gain additional extra credit,” the email states, with a bolded subject line of “Additional Extra Credit Opportunity!”

Republicans Reverse, May Allow State Income Tax Deduction

One day after the top Senate Republicans realized they probably should have read the tax bill they voted for in the deep of the night on Saturday morning, and announced they are seeking to repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax they passed just days earlier, realizing it could punish growing companies, they now also appear to be reversing on the controversial repeal of State and Local Tax Deductions, and as Bloomberg reports, Republican lawmakers "are discussing a compromise on state and local tax deductions that would allow taxpayers to deduct state income tax, House Ways and Means Chairman Ke
