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Riot Police Deploy Tear-Gas Against Pro-Refugee Protestors On Austrian-Italian Border - Live Feed

Pro-refugee protestors are rallying at the Brenner Pass on the Austrian-Italian border.

As RT reports, the activits oppose the Austrian Governments decision to increase controls at its border with Italy, and are demanding that refugees are allowed to enter the country.

Video: Ireland Fighting HPV Vaccine Injury & Big Pharma Control

Ireland is fighting back against injuries caused by the HPV vaccine and Big Pharma control over its public health services. R.E.G.R.E.T. is a support group  that was set up by parents of Irish teenage girls who developed serious health problems after receiving HPV vaccines (Gardasil) at secondary school. The vaccine has been offered to teenage girls in Ireland since May 2010 as part of the schools vaccination programme and is recommended by the World Health Organsiation.

America At The Movies 2016

I just got a phone call from an old friend in north Texas. She does a lot of work with law enforcement, especially in the area of domestic violence counseling and response. I hope she will not mind me saying, but she’s a tough Texas chick. She called to tell me what she and her teenage son dealt with last night at the movies in Frisco, a prosperous suburb of Dallas.

“I thought I knew what was going on in this country,” she said. “I was wrong.”

‘Shut Up, Bigot,’ He Reasoned

A concerned lawyer sends in this Eugene Volokh item about a proposed American Bar Association rule change to the ABA’s conduct rules — which have been adopted by a number of states to govern their lawyers. The rule change, if approved, stands to make anything a lawyer says (in the conduct of her job) that offends an officially protected victim group a violation of professional standards — and therefore subject to sanction. Volokh:
