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Tax Bill May Spark Exodus From High-Tax States

Tax Bill May Spark Exodus From High-Tax States

From via,

The following is a summary of our recent podcast, “Exodus – The Major Wealth Migration,” which can be listened to on our site here on on iTunes here.

It’s looking increasingly likely that we’ll see the GOP tax bill pass in the near future. Prepped for signing by the end of this year, the bill is sure to have sweeping effects on all taxpayers, especially those in high tax states.

Consider Dan White at Moody’s: Taxation Shift Spells Trouble for Underfunded States

"Almost A Given It Will End Badly": Vanguard Founder Jack Bogle Says U.S. Pensions Are Doomed

"Almost A Given It Will End Badly": Vanguard Founder Jack Bogle Says U.S. Pensions Are Doomed

Legendary investor Jack Bogle is apparently not all that optimistic that public pension funds in the U.S. are going to be able to meet their future funding obligations.  Speaking with Bloomberg earlier today, Bogle predicted that bond returns will be a paltry 3% over the next decade, with stock returns not that much better, making it almost impossible for pensions to meet their arbitrary 7.5%-8.0% return hurdles.

Can the American Left Be Resurrected?

Can the American Left Be Resurrected?

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers: if your website dies it won’t be resurrected. Come to its support.

“Where is the leftwing when we need it” is a question I have asked at times. Some of my readers who confuse the left with Antifa and Identity politics have been confused by my question. Why, they ask, do I want more Antifa thugs and Identity Politics hatred of white people?
