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This "Stunning" Chart Shows How Quickly Europe's Refugee Crisis Is Accelerating

This "Stunning" Chart Shows How Quickly Europe's Refugee Crisis Is Accelerating

Earlier today, we reported that European officials are considering a two year Schengen suspension to help stem the inexorable flow of Mid-East migrants into Western Europe.

Last year’s optimism regarding the bloc’s ability to take on asylum seekers quickly faded as eurocrats suddenly realized just how daunting a task they’re facing. Even if the integration effort were going smoothly, the task would be well nigh impossible. Germany, for instance, took in some 1.1 million refugees in 2015 - the country only has 82 million people.

Big Pharma Knowingly Gave HIV To Thousands Of Children

Big Pharma company Bayer knowingly sold medicine to thousands of children in the early 1980’s that had been contaminated with the HIV virus – leading to the deaths of countless children. In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of its hemophiliac medicine called Factor 8 had been contaminated with HIV. With the FDA’s approval they got permission to sell this tainted medicine worldwide to countries such as; Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Twitter Unveils In-House "Ministry Of Truth"

With its markedly ironic title, The Ministry of Truth in George Orwell's dystopian novel, 1984, is one of the most important agencies of the government. For, as writes, an uninformed or misinformed populace can be confused, deceived, and directed easily by controlling powers. Keeping the people confused about who is at war with whom and what is the reality of things causes them to become involved in nothing and, therefore, no threat to the power structure.

The End Is Nigh For Europe As Officials Mull 2 Year Schengen "Suspension"

The End Is Nigh For Europe As Officials Mull 2 Year Schengen "Suspension"

Well, no one can say the writing wasn't on the wall. 

With Europe at a complete and total loss as to how to deal with the bloc's worst refugee crisis since World War II, countries have increasingly adopted their own, ad hoc "solutions" which include razor wire anti-migrant fences in Hungary and the suspension of Schengen in Austria, where the backlash against asylum seekers is growing more palpable by the day. 
