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Social Issues

Austria To Refugees: Learn To Speak German Or Get No Money

Austria To Refugees: Learn To Speak German Or Get No Money

On Friday, we brought you the latest in a series of cartoons and pictographs designed by European authorities to help Mid-East refugees better understand European society.

Judging from the integration “guides”, migrants are having a hard time coming to terms with quite a few things, but the two main problems appear to be publicly beating women and small children and randomly groping women’s behinds.

Five People Dead At School Shooting In Canada

A suspect is in custody after five people were killed and two seriously injured in a school shooting at a remote village in the northern province of Saskatchewan, according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. CBC News reports: “Obviously this is every parent’s worst nightmare,” Trudeau said Friday in a brief statement from Davos, Switzerland. A suspect is in custody, he said, and the situation was under control. Trudeau also thanked first responders who reacted “quickly and bravely” in what he called a “tragic and terrible day.” La Loche is a community of about 3,000.

Are You A Sexually Frustrated Rapefugee In Germany? This Cartoon's For You

Are You A Sexually Frustrated Rapefugee In Germany? This Cartoon's For You

Last week, we brought you two cartoons designed by European authorities to help “teach” Mid-East refugees what sort of behavior is acceptable at public venues.

The first was a flyer created in Austria that Switzerland intends to distribute ahead of the upcoming Lucerne carnival. The leaflet outlines a number of acceptable behaviors such as shaking hands and mediating arguments while making it clear with giant red Xs that flying into a blind rage and open-hand slapping women and children isn’t something that’s generally tolerated in polite society.
