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Survey Finds 51% Rise in Scottish Children Going To School Hungry

An Education Institute of Scotland (EIS) survey, which questioned more than 300 primary and secondary school teachers in Scottish schools, found there had been a 51 percent rise in the number of children going to school hungry. Teachers have claimed that crippling government austerity measures are forcing schoolchildren in Scotland to go hungry, steal food from their peers and develop mental health issues. The Scottish government has described the survey’s findings as “shocking”, saying that no child should go to school hungry.

Facebook Suspends ‘Blackcock Inn’ Pub For ‘Racist & Offensive Language’

The Blackcock Inn pub in South Wales has found itself accused of racist language due to its name. The pub has served customers in Llanfihangel Talyllyn in the Brecon Beacons, under the name since 1840,but facebook banned its page after a complaint from a member of the public. The establishment did not have a particularly large reach on the social media site with approximately 450 friends, but that hasn’t stopped members being offended and making claims of racism against the watering hole.

Study: Irish DNA Originated In Middle East & Eastern Europe

Scientists have discovered that Irish DNA originateD in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The DNA of ancient occupants of Ireland has given researchers a breakthrough clue into the history of the Celtic population. The study was led by Queens University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin where scientists sequenced the first ancient human genomes from Ireland, shedding light on the genesis of Celtic populations. Details of the work, by geneticists from Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists from Queen’s University Belfast are published in the journal PNAS.

Bodies Of Refugees Continue To Wash Up On Aegean Islands

Bodies of ten refugees have been recovered from the shores of Fourni, a Greek archipelago in the north Aegean, over the past ten days. Tovima reports: Four bodies, possibly of refugees, washed were located in the maritime area around the island of Fourni near Ikaria at midday on Monday, raising the total bodies recovered in the past ten days to 10. The bodies of one girl, two women and one man which were recovered on Monday had been exposed to the elements and will be transferred to the Forensic Service of Piraeus.

Tracking People Flows: Global Migration Summarized In 7 Charts

Tracking People Flows: Global Migration Summarized In 7 Charts

With the topic of global (im)migration getting increasingly more prominence as we get ever closer to the presidential elections, not to mention Europe's ongoing plight with the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, here is a handful of factual, and bias-free, charts summarizing the key aspects of global human mobility.

First, here is a summary tracker of global people flows since the start of the century. The countries in gray are sources of net people outflows, while those in blue have seen cumulative immigration over the past 15 years.
