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Cameron: Muslim Women Could Be Deported If They Don’t Learn English

Prime Minister David Cameron is under fire over his warning to Muslim women to improve their English language skills or face deportation. Cameron suggested that a lack in English language skills could leave a person “more susceptible” to the recruitment tactics of groups like the the so called Islamic State (IS). The Prime Minister’s approach of building community integration and fighting extremism by suggesting Muslim women should be encouraged or forced to learn English and be fully integrated into the culture, has been called “lazy and misguided.” Doncaster Free Press reports: Mr Cameron faced a backlash from Muslim groups and former Cabinet minister Baroness Warsi for linking the issue of English language skills to extremism. The Prime Minister sa id it was not acceptable that women in parts of the UK were not allowed to leave their homes without a male relative and faced sex-segregated school governors meetings. A £20 million language fund is being set up to help end what he called the “passive tolerance” of separate communities which left many Muslim women facing discrimination and social isolation. Mr Cameron visited a mosque and a project for Bangladeshi women in Leeds to highlight his new proposals. Speaking during the visit, [...]