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JPMorgan: Every Investor Class Is Now All-In Stocks

A funny thing happened as the so-called experts were looking for signs of retail euphoria (and repeatedly were unable to find it): everyone got all-in equities... and not just retail investors and US households, but mutual funds, hedge funds, pensions, systematic, and sovereign wealth funds.

As JPMorgan calculated when looking at the equity positioning of the main types of investors, "allocations are near historical highs, not leaving much room for further increases." How historic?

Roy Moore's Communications Director Resigns

Amid an ongoing barrage of sexual assault allegations, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has just confirmed to the Washingtonian that his communications director, John Rogers, has resigned.

John Rogers has resigned as communications director from Roy Moore’s Senate campaign, according to a source familiar with the matter.


Reached by phone on Wednesday, Rogers confirmed his resignation. He declined to comment further.


Is This The Real Reason Why The Treasury Curve Has Been Collapsing For A Month?

Is This The Real Reason Why The Treasury Curve Has Been Collapsing For A Month?

A 'funny' thing happened a month ago. The Treasury yield curve suddenly started to collapse... despite gains in stocks and positive economi data surprises... the question is, why?

Here's one possible reason why..

Originally submitted by GovTrader,

TL/DR: Tax reform creates pension fund incentive to buy 30yr bonds NOW.
