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Kentucky Teachers 'Outraged' At Thought Of Accepting Same Retirement Plans As Private Sector Workers

Kentucky Teachers 'Outraged' At Thought Of Accepting Same Retirement Plans As Private Sector Workers

Last week we noted that, after months of planning and cogitating over how to address the failing public pension systems in their state which are somewhere between $40 and $80 billion under water, Kentucky's Governor Matt Bevin and the leaders of the General Assembly’s Republican majorities released their highly-anticipated 'plan' which turned out to be nothing more than the same old "kick the can down the road" approach to "pension reform" that has perpetuated the pension ponzi in this country for decades while doing absolutely nothing to address the actual crisis.

New Narrative: Stolen NATO Docs And ‘Weaponized Internet Culture” Used To Spread Nationalism And Subvert Democracy

New Narrative: Stolen NATO Docs And ‘Weaponized Internet Culture” Used To Spread Nationalism And Subvert Democracy

Content originally published at

Newsweek is out with a chilling new report detailing how far-right extremists used “leaked NATO and British Intelligence documents” to “spread white supremacism across the world,” according to the UK’s Institute for Strategic Dialogue.

Stagnation Nation: Middle Class Wealth Is Locked Up In Housing And Retirement Funds

Stagnation Nation: Middle Class Wealth Is Locked Up In Housing And Retirement Funds

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The majority of middle class wealth is locked up in unproductive assets or assets that only become available upon retirement or death.

One of my points in Why Governments Will Not Ban Bitcoin was to highlight how few families had the financial wherewithal to invest in bitcoin or an alternative hedge such as precious metals.

Stocks Slide On Report House Considering Capping 401(k) Plans Despite Trump Vow

Stocks Slide On Report House Considering Capping 401(k) Plans Despite Trump Vow

After a NYT report last Friday that as part of Trump tax reform, 401(k) plan contributions could be capped at $2,400 annually, Trump was quick to deny tweeting on Monday that "There will be NO change to your 401(k). This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!"
