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Soros, Kellogg, Ford: Donor List Of Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Group Revealed

Soros, Kellogg, Ford: Donor List Of Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Group Revealed

The Center for Community Change Action (CCCA), a Washington, D.C.-based 501 (c)(3) progressive community organizing group and contributor to the anti-Trump "Resistance" movement, counts some of the most prominent American families among its impressive donor base.  Unfortunately, at least for those donors, their staggering contributions to the secretive group have just been revealed by The Washington Free Beacon and include massive multi-million dollar grants from George Soros, the Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation, among others.

Study Of 10-Year State Pension Returns Highlight Full Extent Of Public Pension Ponzi

Study Of 10-Year State Pension Returns Highlight Full Extent Of Public Pension Ponzi

A new study of public pension returns by Cliffwater LLC has found that the median U.S. state pension plan returned just 5.9% annually over the 10 years ended June 30, 2016.  Meanwhile, as Pension and Investments notes, the top performing state pension, the $15.6 billion Oklahoma Teachers' Retirement System, was the only fund that managed to eek out a return over 7% during the same period.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Tax Reform? The Answer, According To Goldman, Is "Plenty"

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With Tax Reform? The Answer, According To Goldman, Is "Plenty"

One of the reason why the torrid dollar rally of the past few weeks appears to have plateaued, at least for the time being, is that just like earlier in the year, doubts have emerged about the viability of the "new and improved" tax plan, which according to the Tax Policy Center would mostly benefit the "Top 1", even as it eventually pushes taxes for the upper middle class progressively higher.

Paul Craig Roberts Warns Americans: "Oligarchic Rule Prevails Regardless Of Electoral Outcomes"

Paul Craig Roberts Warns Americans: "Oligarchic Rule Prevails Regardless Of Electoral Outcomes"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Do the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page editors read their own newspaper?

The frontpage headline story for the Labor Day weekend was “Low Wage Growth Challenges Fed.” Despite an alleged 4.4% unemployment rate, which is full employment, there is no real growth in wages. The front page story pointed out correctly that an economy alleged to be expanding at full employment, but absent any wage growth or inflation, is “a puzzle that complicates Federal Reserve policy decisions.”
