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Social Issues

The Obamacare "Death Spiral": Health Plans Now Cost Employers More Than A New Car

The Obamacare "Death Spiral": Health Plans Now Cost Employers More Than A New Car

With the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare replacement now officially dead, it appears Senate Republicans will be unable to pass a repeal-and-replace bill before the Sept. 30 deadline announced by the Senate Parliamentarian arrives – though it’s impossible to rule out another long-shot plan gaining momentum in the coming days.

After the deadline, Senate Republicans would need 60 votes for their repeal-and-replace bill, effectively killing the repeal-and-replace effort, at least for now.

Kentucky Budget Director Admits Pension Underfunding Would Double If "Realistic Discount Rates" Used

Kentucky Budget Director Admits Pension Underfunding Would Double If "Realistic Discount Rates" Used

We've frequently argued that public pensions in the U.S. are nothing more than elaborate ponzi schemes being propped up by unrealistic accounting assumptions that make them seem more healthy than they actually are.  As it turns out, the State Budget Director of Kentucky, John Chilton, is coming around to our way of thinking. 

Whatever Happened to America?

Dear Friends and Supporters, this is my quarterly call for your financial support. There is no one who will write for you more frankly and truthfully than I do. This article is long. Read it. Twice, three times. You will learn an important part of your history that has been cast into the Memory Hole. You will learn the nature of the danger that we as a people face. And you will learn a lot about yourselves. PCR

Whatever Happened to America?

Paul Craig Roberts

Over the course of my lifetime America has become an infantile country.
