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Tax Deal Sends US Futures Soaring To New All Time High; Dollar, Yields, Global Stocks Follow

Tax Deal Sends US Futures Soaring To New All Time High; Dollar, Yields, Global Stocks Follow

The dollar jumped the most in two weeks, pushing Treasury yields as much as 6bps higher (before easing back) with US equity indexes primed for a another record-setting day after Senate Republicans approved a reduction in the corporate tax rate as part of a sweeping overhaul, giving a boost to President Donald Trump’s stimulus plans. The key market catalyst was the US Senate passing the tax reform bill through a vote of 51 vs 49 just before 2am on Saturday morning.

You're Just Not Prepared For What's Coming

You're Just Not Prepared For What's Coming

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

I hate to break it to you, but chances are you're just not prepared for what’s coming. Not even close. 

Don't take it personally. I'm simply playing the odds.

After spending more than a decade warning people all over the world about the futility of pursuing infinite exponential economic growth on a finite planet, I can tell you this: very few are even aware of the nature of our predicament.
