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S&P 500

Global Markets Bounce As Germany, China, Spain Lift World Stocks, Turkey Crash Ignored

Global Markets Bounce As Germany, China, Spain Lift World Stocks, Turkey Crash Ignored

With no North Korean nuclear test over the weeknd contrary to a Friday morning rumor, S&P futures rebounded and edged higher as European stocks gain, led by Spanish shares after mass demonstrations in favor of Spanish unity and speculation Catalonia may back down on unilateral independence demands, while Chinese mainland stocks reopened catching up to gains missed during the holiday week following last weekend's RRR cut.

New Robot Equity Analyst Hits Facebook And Google With A Sell Rating

It should come as a surprise to precisely no one reading this post that wall street equity analysts have a 'slight' bias toward "Buy" ratings.  After all, equity analysts aren't really in the business of helping clients make buy/sell decisions, their only real value comes from acting as an intermediary to setup the coveted 1x1's at lavish conferences in Miami between the hedge funds who pay them and the management teams of the companies they cover.  And, of course, it's much harder to get those management teams to attend your conference if you spread too much truth about th
