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If Amazon Takes Over The World...

If Amazon Takes Over The World...

Authored by Scott Galloway op-ed via The Wall Street Journal,

Four tech giants - Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google - have added $2 trillion to their combined market capitalization since the 2007-09 recession, a sum that approaches the GDP of India. The concentrated wealth and power of these companies has alarmed many observers, who see their growth as a threat not just to consumers and other businesses but to American society itself.

The One Question Goldman's Clients Are Asking This Week: "Where To From Here?"

The One Question Goldman's Clients Are Asking This Week: "Where To From Here?"

Two weeks ago, Goldman's clients were so worried about an imminent crash, the investment bank's chief equity strategist, David Kostin enumerated no less than 7 reasons why, as Goldman itself admitted, "the question every client asks: Is an equity correction imminent?” As a reminder, the reasons - summarized - were the following:

The Markets Call "BS" on the Fed's Hawkishness

The Markets Call "BS" on the Fed's Hawkishness

The Fed wants us to believe that it remains hawkish, that it will begin the process of unwinding its $4.5 trillion balance sheet next month and that it will hike rates again this year.

The markets aren’t buying it, even for a second.

The top performing asset class after the Fed concluded its announcement on Wednesday was… TREASURIES: the asset class that should DROP hard if the Fed intends to raise rates.
