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Buffett Talks Markets, Healthcare, IBM, And Self-Driving Cars: The Key Quotes From Berkshire's "Pilgrimage"

With the 52nd Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting - dubbed the "Woodstock for Capitalists" which is "unique in corporate America, a celebration of the billionaire's image and success" - now in the history books, all that's left are the quotes and avuncular aphorisms.

The Five Largest Stocks Account For 42% Of The Nasdaq, And Why Goldman Clients Are Concerned

The Five Largest Stocks Account For 42% Of The Nasdaq, And Why Goldman Clients Are Concerned

With the Nasdaq 100 index making new record highs on practically every day of 2017, and returning 32% during the past 12 months vs. "only" 19% for the S&P 500, Goldman's clients are starting to  get concerned. And, as Goldman's David Kostin writes in his latest weekly letter, increasingly nervous investors are asking "whether NDX outperformance will continue."

Fasanara Capital Explains How The "Fake Market" Works In One Chart

Fasanara Capital Explains How The "Fake Market" Works In One Chart

Via Francesco Filia of Fasanara Capital

“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Hard data ceased to be a driver for markets, valuation metrics for bonds and equities which held valid for over a century are now deemed secondary. Narratives and money flows trump hard data, overwhelmingly.

'Reputable' Investing Newsletter To Millennials: "If You Do Not Have 100% In Equities, You Are Crazy"

'Reputable' Investing Newsletter To Millennials: "If You Do Not Have 100% In Equities, You Are Crazy"

Earlier today, MarketWatch highlighted the rather blunt investing advice that the 'highly reputable' investing newsletter, The Prudent Speculator, and its editor, John Buckingham, recently offered up to millennial investors:

“If you are 50 or younger, or have 10 years before taking money out, and do not have 100% in equities, you are crazy.”
