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NFL Executive: Colin Kaepernick’s ‘Career Is Over’

NFL Executive: Colin Kaepernick’s ‘Career Is Over’

Unemployed quarterback Colin Kaepernick “won’t play again“, with one NFL team executive calling the controversial quarterback “an embarrassment to football” and another declaring “his career is over, nobody will touch him.” After refusing to stand for the national anthem before games last year, desperate Colin Kaepernick has now promised NFL team executives that he will stand with everyone else in 2017 – if only they will give him a chance and sign him. “Kaepernick’s goose is cooked.

Trump To Give Merkel ‘Reality Check’ On Immigration In Upcoming Meeting

President Donald Trump will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel later this month for a full and frank discussion about Germany’s failed immigration policies. Trump, who has repeatedly attacked Merkel for “destroying Germany,” will meet with the German leader on March 14 in Washington. The Express reports: The pair haven’t got off to the best start after President Trump blasted the beleaguered German leader for “ruining” Germany over her open door refugee policy. They will meet on March 14, according to US officials.

Merkel Says There Is A "Problem" With The Euro, Blames Mario Draghi

Merkel Says There Is A "Problem" With The Euro, Blames Mario Draghi

Two weeks ago, German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble confirmed Donald Trump's charge that the Euro is far "too low" for Germany, but said he is unable to do anything about it and instead blamed Mario Draghi. “The euro exchange rate is, strictly speaking, too low for the German economy’s competitive position,” he told Tagesspiegel on February 5. “When ECB chief Mario Draghi embarked on the expansive monetary policy, I told him he would drive up Germany’s export surplus . . . I promised then not to publicly criticise this [policy] course.
