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Iran, Saudi Arabia "Clash" Over Syria At "Secret", Closed-Door Meeting In Davos

Iran, Saudi Arabia "Clash" Over Syria At "Secret", Closed-Door Meeting In Davos

In case you might have missed it, Saudi Arabia and Iran are teetering on the edge of open war.

For years, the two regional powers have been engaged in at least three proxy wars across the Mid-East.

In Syria, the Quds and the IRGC have been fighting to bolster Bashar al-Assad’s depleted forces since at least 2012, while the Saudis and the other Gulf monarchies have lent assistance to the various Sunni rebel groups fighting to destabilize the government in Damascus.

NATO, USA Intimidated By Russia’s Military, Claims Expert

Military expert Igor Korotchenko has said that Russia’s successful campaign against ISIS in the Middle East has surprised and intimidated both NATO and the United States.  In an interview with Sputnik, the editor of National Defense Magazine told them what the game-plan in Syria is all about. “This is a matter of our commitments. Syria has been our historical ally, and Russia could not leave Syria to the mercy of fate. But again, the main motives of our president was the destruction of our potential internal and external enemies,” he told Sputnik.

Pentagon Chief Says "Boots On The Ground" Part Of "Accelerated" Strategy For ISIS Fight

Pentagon Chief Says "Boots On The Ground" Part Of "Accelerated" Strategy For ISIS Fight

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter is a man who knows that actions speak far louder than words.

That’s why when Washington’s feud with China over the latter’s land reclamation efforts in the South China Sea reached a boiling point last year, Carter made a trip to the Pacific and had someone snap this picture of him riding in a helicopter with an aircraft carrier visible in the background.
