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Caught On Video: Russian Ships, Sub Fire Cruise Missiles At ISIS Targets In Syria

Caught On Video: Russian Ships, Sub Fire Cruise Missiles At ISIS Targets In Syria

A little more than a week after launching the strike that reportedly killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Russian navy ships and a submarine launched six cruise missiles at ISIS targets in Syria’s Hama province, destroying an ISIS command center and ammunition depot, according to Russia Today. The missiles were launched from the eastern Mediterranean by Russian Navy frigates the Admiral Essen and the Admiral Grigorovich, the Defense Ministry said.

Everything You're Not Being Told About The US War Against ISIS In Syria

Everything You're Not Being Told About The US War Against ISIS In Syria

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

It’s time to have a sane discussion regarding what is going on in Syria. Things have escalated exponentially over the past month or so, and they continue to escalate. The U.S. just shot down yet another Iranian-made drone within Syrian territory on Tuesday, even as authorities insist they “do not seek conflict with any party in Syria other than ISIS.”

After The ISIS War, Is A US-Russia Collision Inevitable?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Sunday, a Navy F-18 Hornet shot down a Syrian air force jet, an act of war against a nation with which Congress has never declared or authorized a war.

Washington says the Syrian plane was bombing U.S.-backed rebels. Damascus says its plane was attacking ISIS.

Vladimir Putin’s defense ministry was direct and blunt:
